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Alpha Weekend/Day Together Info

Alpha Day, activities, Friday Saturday, schedule, retreat, Spirit, time away

Updated over a year ago

The Alpha Weekend is an opportunity for guests to have the unhurried time, space, and environment needed to process and reflect on what they have been learning. Besides watching four Alpha videos about the Holy Spirit, relationships are deepened and lives are impacted by specific times of prayer.

The Alpha weekend retreat takes place right after week 7 (God's guidance) and always before the session video about evil. This strategic sequence helps Alpha guests learn about the Holy Spirit first and feel confident in his power before learning about the devil and his tactics. This is a key reason why the retreat is not at the end of Alpha.

Top Tip: If you are doing an Alpha Day instead of a weekend, one idea is to show only three of the four videos on your Alpha Day and then add an extra week to your Alpha to show the last weekend video. πŸ’‘

Alpha Weekend In Person:

1 - MyAlpha > Series Materials:
​Log in to download the 30-minute training video called "Prayer Ministry." Watch and discuss it with your whole Alpha team. This video explains the principles & practicalities to pray with your Alpha guests. And download the Weekend Planning & Prep checklist.

2 - MyAlpha > Learning Centre:
​Log in to watch "Best Practices for Prayer Ministry" (4-minutes) specifically for leaders. This video explains more about how to lead prayer ministry effectively.

3 - Alpha Schedules (sample 3-day schedule here) or for an Alpha One Day Schedule, please see below. If you only show 3 videos on your Alpha Day, please add an extra week to your Alpha to show the last weekend video.

On average, only 50% of Alpha guests will attend your weekend or day away. Celebrate if more than 50% attend! (Run Alpha Handbook, p. 59)

Alpha Weekend Online:

1 - MyAlpha > Series Materials > Log in to access these resources:

2 - Webinar recordings
Hear from different church leaders who have run a few Alpha Weekends online and share their best learnings and top tips. These two, in particular, might be helpful:

Chat with an Alpha Coach! If you have questions about your Alpha Day or Weekend, or need help with dates or schedules, our Alpha Coaches would be happy to help you! Book a call here:

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