1 - If you're not logged in to MyAlpha, you can still browse through our videos on Youtube.
2 - OR you can log in to MyAlpha and see even more resources! You don't have to create an Alpha yet. Once you're logged in, click on the "Preview Resources" section on the left-hand sidebar:
In the "Preview Resources" section, you will find:
each episode to watch all the way through
the running time of each video
the number of weeks each series takes to run
the number of sessions for each series
the languages each course is available in
Visit the "Learning Centre" to see short video clips
and info sheets under Alpha 101, 7 Best Practices, etc.
β3 - If you plan to run Alpha but have not registered your Alpha yet, please click on the red "Run this Series" button (or the button below) and it will take you to the Create an Alpha page. Only the primary Alpha leader needs to create an Alpha, not team members.
After you register a course ("Create an Alpha") you will have access to:
Promotional materials (guest invitations, posters, banners, etc)
All the Alpha videos to download and save to your computer
3 team training videos (Essentials, Small Groups, Prayer Ministry)
Team Guide with small group discussion questions for each week
Guest Guide with video outline for each week
Sample schedules and checklists to help you plan and prepare
Info sheets for hosts and helpers
And more!