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Sample Guest Registration Form

guest sign up, Alpha participants, information, potential, prospective

Updated over a year ago

Alpha leaders can decide how they prefer to gather Alpha guest information. The three most common ways are:

  1. Promote the page so guests can find a day & time that works for them.

  2. Create a special Alpha page on your church website.

  3. Create a digital sign-up form to share on social media. (eg. Google or Zoom).


Your information is completely private and helps us arrange groups with the best mix of people.

First Name:

Last Name:

Email Address:

Age Range: 13-18 19-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60+

Gender: Female Male N/A

Is this your first time at Alpha? Yes No

Which of the following best describes your spirituality? (please only select one)

o Atheist

o Open to all Religions

o Seeking

o Christian

o New(ish) Christian

o Agnostic

o Other _______________________________

I heard about Alpha through (please only select one):

o A Friend

o Church

o The Alpha Australia website

o Church website

o Social Media

o Other _______________________________

Please list any friends you would like to be in a group with: __________


  1. To create a Guest Sign up Form using Google: click here

  2. To create a Guest Sign up Form using Zoom: click here

Here is a SAMPLE of a Zoom registration:

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