What ways can I donate?
There are three ways you can support Alpha financially.
Give Online
Direct Deposit
What are the bank details so I can donate via direct deposit?
Alpha Course | The Marriage and Parenting Course |
ACCOUNT NAME Alpha Australia BSB: 083 004 ACC: 932729782 Reference: Your Name | ACCOUNT NAME Alpha Marriage and Parenting Course BSB: 083 004 ACC: 423356236 Reference: TMPC + Your Name |
If you are donating to The Marriage and Parenting Couse, please email your name and contact details to donate@alpha.org.au to receive a tax receipt via email.
Where can I send a cheque?
Alpha Australia
PO Box 621
Brentford Square VIC 3131
Are there any fees for my donation?
Online donations are subject to Raisely's platform fee (approx 4%) plus a credit card processing fee (1.4% + 30¢).
The option to cover our platform costs is selected by default. If this option is unselected, the fees will be deducted from your donation.
I’ve signed up online for an ongoing monthly donation. What date will my donations come out of my account?
Your recurring donation will come out of your account on the same day of the month that you set up your initial donation (give or take a few business days).
How do I change or cancel my ongoing monthly donations?
For online giving, click on the ‘manage my donation’ button on the email receipt you receive each month. This will give you the option to change or cancel your recurring donation.
Is my donation tax-deductible?
This depends on which course you have donated to. Donations to the Alpha Course are NOT tax-deductible. However, we do allow tax-deductible donations to the Marriage and Parenting Course.
To donate online towards the Alpha Course, click the link below.
To make a tax-deductible donation online, click the link below.